Meet the physique collective coaching team
joe Jeffery
Roughly 8 years ago, I began writing articles about all things body composition and physique development as a means to help me retain the information I was learning in my own quest to understand physique development, purely for my own personal gain.
At the time, my wife recommended that I start to post these online as they could be helpful, so I started to post them on a collection of bodybuilding forums that I frequented at the time. Off of the back of this, I began getting enquires to help others in their physique goals, primarily with respect to PED protocols, and this developed over the next year into online coaching full time.
This was a time before social media was what it was today, and there was only a handful of coaches working on an email-only bases sharing protocols on word and excel documents.
It’s been fascinating to watch online coaching develop into what it has today, and I’m extremely grateful for my experience gathered through watching this industry move from its infancy into a thriving and popular profession.
These days, my passion lies in coaching only competitors, and still researching and publishing as much educational material.
leg day, cybex hack
all of my free time i spend watching political and philosophical debates.
matt strong
I’m Matt, co-founder of physique collective. I’ve been working with physique athletes and in professional sports for 18 years & completed my MSc in Sport & Exercise science.
Coaching is my passion in life and I absolutely love helping people develop into their best selves.
I specialise in coaching coaches to get them walking the walk & talking the talk, improving their physique and business
I’m trying to bring up my chest, so currently in a love/hate relationship with Push Day & Incline DB Press.
Where the mind leads, the body will follow, so make sure you are working on your mindset to get you to your goals.
I have a titanium plate in my arm where I snapped it in half, so I’m basically Wolverine.
ryan brambleby
i’m a coach, posing coach & classic bodybuilder that’s been in the industry for 10 years. My goal with clients is to develop a great level of trust & provide a great service.
I was an engineer before i started coaching, so i can relate to those with busy lifestyles & demanding jobs. Having walked the walk i have tried almost every approach for training, nutrition & PEDs. These have led me to the principles and ethos that we use today in the PC coaching practices.
Competitors, seasoned competitors, clients with a demanding job/lifestyle that are driven & need guidance.
Who doesn’t love arms surely?! However my favourite exercise would have to be something back related like pull-ups. you cant beat something that engages the body in a way it’s meant to move.
“If it’s not enjoyable, it’s not worth doing” - Not with that same method at least. There are a million ways to go about a goal & you can decide which way to go about it.
I feel i have an addiction to a christmas meal deal sandwich…but i’d rather be called a ‘connoisseur of christmas sambos’!
LEON pearce
alongside being a full time online coach i am also a classic physique competitor myself. I have stepped on stage 9 times so i can understand what it takes to reach a specific goal that i would put a client through…i’ve “walked the walk” as they say!
i have been in competitive sports my whole life, starting with a background in boxing followed by professional kickboxing. I then found bodybuilding & have been within this sport for the last 5 years improving both my own physique & my knowledge to help others too!
More towards competive bodybuilders, specifically classic physique guys.
I do work with Mens physique & bodybuilders too, but i’d say that i have a real eye for classic guys in particular.
Back training is without a doubt my favourite! There’s no other feeling like a juicy back pump feeling wider than a plane!
“You don’t have to be motivated all the time, just consistent”
I’d probably still be in boxing/mma as i still love both!