Female drug use with joe, brad & Darian

WELCOME to the Physique Collective Podcast!

This episode we cover the basics of female PED use, where most girls (and their coaches) go wrong and why the information we provide both on this episode and the Physique Collective app is so important.

For detailed female PED information, support and guidance head to www.app.physiquecollective.com

PC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/physiquecollective/

Joe Jeffery: https://www.instagram.com/joe_physiquecollective/

Brad Whymark: https://www.instagram.com/bwcoaching_animalistik/

Darian Bates: https://www.instagram.com/coachdarianbates/

Join Team Physique Collective: https://fqx4pz3h9a1.typeform.com/to/UGRHZiXa?typeform-source=admin.typeform.com



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